Download Fakesurf 3.0A neat little program that moves your mouse around and goes to websights, I don't know what you would use it for but here it is. ;)
I spent quite a while looking online to find out how all these "Get paid to surf" things work. And this is what I found:
Advertisers pay companies to put together little programs that put a banner across the bottom of the screen (not too big) and then they pay people like us to have these banners running while we are online. I found a couple that seem like they aren't that much of a pain.
The Best one that I have found is They offer $1 an hour with a maximum of 50 hours a month!! That's $50 dollars a month! You can find them here:
(Please note: If you do decide to join, these links include me as your referal, if you know someone else that you would like to use as your referal feel free to fill them in appropiately, please don't leave the space blank. I'm not trying to sneak anything by you, I'd just rather get the credit rather than nobody. It cost you nothing to refer someone. Also my user names are listed at the bottom of the page in case it doesn't fill in automatically), they offer an impressive setup which lets you earn money even while you are doing things other than actually surfing in a browser, as long as you are connected to the internet. You can check out their site here:
The next best one that is currently available is, this one offers to only pay while you are surfing with any browser. The banner is set up rather well and the adds are actually pretty good, I've used several of them already. You can visit them at:
Next we have This one includes an optional browser as well as the option for just the banner. Very nice. Set up very well and the referral incentives are very favorable, although only 40 cents an hour as opposed to the others at 50. No matter cause it adds up quickly. Check 'em out:
The last one that I feel is worth getting involved in is They are still working out some of the bugs of the program so they haven't released it as of yet, but it is going to be another one that pays you to be online and view the ads, whether you are surfing on a browser or not. You can sign up now and they will email you and let you know when they are releasing their banner. Have a look see:
My Username list
frmascot1 [email protected] ETN-173
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If you have any questions feel free to email me.